My Practice

“Thank you to the most compassionate doctor I have ever met!”

Richard M.

Dr. Erika Thost is a leading expert in solving Erectile Dysfunction (ED), prostate problems, and low libido or low sexual desire. Look for her new book  “Daily Cialis: Best Sex Ever for Midlife Men” on Amazon.

Dr. Erika Thost specializes in providing health-promoting bio-identical hormone therapies for men, inspired by the practice of Lifespan Medicine pioneer, Dr. Thierry Hertoghe of Brussels, Belgium.

Her offices are located in
– Santa Barbara, CA, which is an easy drive from Los Angeles.
– Oakland, CA, which is easy to reach from the entire San Francisco Bay Area.

As men grow older, their hormone levels tend to drop, sometimes precipitously. Bio-identical hormone therapies can replenish these to more youthful levels. I have found them effective at restoring not only optimal physical health, but one’s overall sense of vitality. These therapies also improve emotional well-being, especially for men experiencing depressive moods, anxiety, sexual issues, and lack of goal-focus.

Bio-identical therapy precisely matches the molecules your own body makes, making it a safer and more effective option. Many of my patients have realized significant benefits in just a few weeks, or even sooner.

A phrase I often hear is “Thank you for giving me my life back.”

“I had forgotten how good it feels to feel good!”

Alex W.

The Program for Men by Erika Thost MD

Do you feel on top of your game? Youthful and virile?
Or are there physical problems that you don’t talk about?
Are you less goal oriented? More depressed?

Virtually all men fear losing their edge in middle age.
Virtually all men get prostate and sexual symptoms that are embarrassing to talk about such as urination problems, erectile difficulties or lack of desire.

But what most men don’t know is that those symptoms can actually be improved fairly easily.

Dr Erika’s Program for Men gives you a unique, proven treatment for improving your sexual function, your prostate health and your confidence.

  • It combines a scientific approach with integrative medicine, and focusing on the benefits of bio-identical hormones, other therapies, supplements and a healthy lifestyle.
  • It’s affordable, it’s easy and it works!
  • Completely private and confidential.
  • From an experienced MD who is easy to talk to.

This program is only for prostate health, not for cancer.
– Please go to a urologist for prostate cancer questions.

For more information without any obligation, please email me at

  • Be the best lover for your partner, wife, girlfriend.
  • Get back on top of your game, and stay there.
  • Like my other patients, you’ll soon be saying, ‘I forgot how good it feels to feel good!’

Appointment Information:
Initial Visits

Your first visit takes about 2 hours and involves a detailed medical history review, medical exam focused on hormone health, and planning the blood tests to assess hormonal levels.

Once lab results are available, we’ll meet for a 45 minute appointment to implement your individualized treatment plan. Another 45-minute appointment will be scheduled 1-2 months later to assess the program and adjust treatment.

Ongoing Treatment

Follow up visits are every scheduled every 1-6 months, depending on complexity. For best results, I strongly recommend coming in every 2 to 3 months.

To Make An Appointment
Please email me at for more information on becoming my patient.

About insurance

In order to spend more time with you and less time mired in paperwork, I’ve streamlined my operation and do not take insurance or Medicare. However I can provide a Superbill that lets you bill your own insurance for your visits with me. In order to keep fees as low as possible, I have no staff, which is why email is the best way to reach me and/or make an appointment.

Email for an appointment or more information